Wasatch Academy, Utah's only college preparatory boarding school

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The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology, School of Education Policy and Leadership, Quantitative Research, Evaluations, and Measurement, PhD

University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education, Advanced Reading and Language Leadership Program, MA

Dickinson College, English BA 


Dr. Williams is in her first year as Head of School for Wasatch Academy. She came to Wasatch from New York City, where she served as an interim Senior Director in education. She was head of school in her previous two appointments, at Billings Middle School in Seattle, WA and at The Ridgewood School in Springfield, Ohio.

Before becoming a head of school, Anne-Evan taught high school and middle school English; was an educational specialist and oversaw all product development, research studies and marketing initiatives at an educational software firm; directed graduate students in a summer literacy program and school-year internships; and was the founding site coordinator for an after-school program for literacy through science education. In short, Dr. Williams' career has spanned every school level, from early childhood to graduate studies. 

In her own words, β€œIt is not an exaggeration to say that I fell in love with Wasatch Academy the first time I stepped onto campus. I was impressed by the stunning location, nestled in the natural beauty of the Wasatch mountains. But I was even more blown away by each person I met in the Wasatch community. From students and faculty and staff to alumni and trustees, I found a kind, diverse, and talented community welcoming me. And I knew that I was home.”