Wasatch Academy, Utah's only college preparatory boarding school

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AnneMarie was born and raised in Sanpete County. She graduated from the local high school in 1996 and then attended Snow College in Ephraim.

AnneMarie is not new to Wasatch Academy, she started working here while she was still in high school. She worked in the school's thrift store, on the housekeeping and painting crew, and in the student store. After many years, she returned to work at Wasatch Academy in the library, and in 2018 she became the school’s Registrar. She really enjoys being able to work with the students. She has always had good organizational skills, and that combined with her love for puzzles of any kind, make this the perfect job for her. Some of her duties include scheduling, tracking grades, updating transcripts, and making sure student files are up to date.

In her free time AnneMarie enjoys camping, kayaking and swimming. She also likes reading, watching movies, and spending time with her daughter, her dog, and the rest of her family.